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Build your photography brand: The power of finding your why & niching down

This can help you skyrocket your business.

Thu 05 Nov 2020
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We’re going to hazard a guess here: you’re not out there working your little butt off in the fickle world of photography because your one and only goal is to get rich. Are we on the right track? Looking into our crystal ball, we’re seeing that it’s actually more likely that the story goes deeper than just making money. There are other motivations at play. Maybe it has a little something to do with passion. And the reason you keep on picking up your camera, waking up at ungodly hours of the morning to catch golden hour, and persevering through late nights spent editing in front of your computer may have something to do with the fact that you actually just love what you do.

But knowing this on an emotional level is quite different than taking a deep dive into the importance of knowing your purpose, your specific offerings, and how these things go into building your brand. Finding your ‘why’ is the key to resonating with your clients on a deeper level. And once you do that, not only will you have clients who sing your praises and tell all their friends about how great you are, you’ll find that you attract people that you resonate with, too. It’ll help you get clear on the specifics of what you have to offer the world as the unique, fabulous individual that you are and will help you lay down the stable foundation of your own personal brand.

Read on to learn a little more about what’s so compelling about all of this, and how it can help you skyrocket your business.

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Why the why?

Us humans are curious creatures. And emotional creatures. And as logical and rational as we hope to be, the truth is this: we feel before we think.

It’s because of this fact that it’s crucial you know your why and you know your potential client’s why. There are a million photographers out there, but your clients are likely going to choose you because they had a good feeling about you. Obviously, the base expectation is that you do a good job, but that’s not the selling point. You’re more likely to attract clients who like your vibe. People tend to gravitate towards people they feel align with their own values, people they can relate to. Here--let’s put it like this: are you more likely to book a photographer who advertises themselves as someone who “takes consistently well exposed photographs,” or who “believes in capturing your genuine love story”? Enough said. Lead with emotion. Inspire.

So. How to do this?


Start by getting clear on your ‘why.’ What is it that’s driving you to pursue photography as a business? Does the sound of the shutter make your heart flutter? Does the idea of helping people capture memories make your heart sing? Do you find photography to be the best way for you to channel your creative vision? (Bonus: Knowing the answer to these questions will help you prioritise your business into the future. For example, if you’re connected to the reason why, it’ll be easier to choose that photography job over a weekend away with friends and remember that this is a path you have chosen for a reason.) But look in the mirror ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your story, why do you do what you do?
  • What keeps you awake at night?
  • What inspired you to pursue your business?
  • What makes your heart race?
  • What was the moment that changed your life as you know it?
  • What was the turning point that inspired your business?
  • What’s the story about your business that you can’t stop telling your friends?
  • What’s been the biggest challenge for you on your photography journey?

Identify your niche

What is it that you most enjoy shooting? Whether your jam is wedding photography, or surreal cos-play portraiture, specialising will help people know what to expect of you, and help you shape your brand to best attract like-minded customers that appreciate who you are and what you do.

The more you shoot, the more you’ll get a sense for what lights you up. It seems inevitable that every photographer comes to understand at some point that not everyone is their client. Instead of spending energy trying to create content that speaks to everyone (and losing your mind in the process), funnel that time into speaking to the people you really want to work with. You’ll find the dream clients that want to work with you, and you alone. No more low-balling, no more email haggling, just you, your prices, your skills, and your niche.

Going niche makes you stand out, which reduces your competition, increases your visibility, stokes your creative fire, and hones your expertise. Imagine being the go-to photographer for your ideal clients, at the wheel of a brand that’s an extension of you--empowered by all of the things that make you fantastically different. That’s what finding your niche is all about.

Note: consider baking your photography niche into your brand name so that prospective customers can see clearly and immediately who you are and what you’re about.


Build your brand

We’re going to get right to it: building a brand is a lot of work. But if you’ve taken the time to get clear on your ‘why,’ and managed to nail down your niche, you’re well on your way. Knowing your ‘why’ helps you determine your emotional appeal, and that’s a springboard for defining who you are and what you do – the essential components of your brand. We’d hope on some level that you know who you are and what you do but you need to think about what you have to offer that’s different to everyone else. That’s where finding your niche would have come in. Once you’ve injected your brand with some of your authentically ‘you-ness,’ it’s time to make it official.

It’s time to start creating customer-facing imagery and copy so that people have a better idea of who they’re dealing with. If you’ve been thinking about business cards for a little while now, it’s time to get off the fence and call that graphic designer to get your name in circulation. Squarespace is a super quick and easy way to get a website up, but if you know that tech just isn’t your thing, it could be worth it to contact a web designer. Get in touch with a marketing guru or a business coach so you can start to strategize about how best to get this biz up and running! You want your brand to be consistent, professional, and unique. Thinking about this can be really fun! What kinds of colours represent who you are? What sorts of shapes are you drawn to? What parts of your personality are you most proud of? Figure out what your unique style is, and what you bring to the table that’s different to other photographers. This may take a little trial and error but if you stay true to your own authenticity you’ll garner an audience that knows you and loves you.

Who knows how your story will unfold. But the work that you do finding your why and choosing your niche will benefit you far beyond the confines of your business. It’s the kind of thing that adds a certain quality to your life - makes it brighter, sparklier, more fulfilling. And from a place like that, you’re much more equipped to put in the hard yards of building a brand and putting your business self out there. Doing it for love of the craft definitely helps, too.

We’d love to hear about how your journey progresses, no matter what stage you’re at. Jump into our Facebook group and connect with our strong community of photographers of all walks and drop us a line!

To recap:

  1. Ask yourself questions that get at the big ‘WHY?’
  2. Your niche is what lights you up.
  3. Build your brand as an extension of yourself!
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What does it mean to build a photography brand?

Building a photography brand involves creating a distinct and recognizable identity for your photography business, including your style, values, and the overall impression you want to convey to clients and the public.

How can I define my photography brand?

To define your photography brand, start by identifying your unique style, target audience, and the core values that guide your work. It's important to craft a clear and consistent message that sets you apart from other photographers.

Why is branding important for photographers?

Branding is essential because it helps you stand out in a competitive market, attract your ideal clients, and build a loyal customer base. A strong brand can also increase your pricing power and market visibility.

What are some practical steps to build and strengthen my photography brand?

Building your photography brand involves developing a compelling portfolio, creating a memorable logo and visual identity, consistently using your brand elements in marketing materials, and delivering a consistent and exceptional client experience. It's also important to actively promote your brand through various marketing channels.